Let us know how we can help, we've got you covered

Online Divorce Service, LLC
2317 3rd Ave N
Ste 200
Birmingham, AL 35203
Mon-Fri 9:00AM to 7:00PM EST
For the fastest and most thorough service, it is best to send your questions to northdakotaonlinedivorce.com Support through the contact form.
Are you an existing client?
Typically, you will receive a response from a representative within 24 hours.
Customer Testimonials
Michelle K.
Grand Forks
I just submitted my divorce paperwork and it was just as easy as described!
Review stars
Paul B.
Easy to use affordable very nice covers everything
Review stars
Tawny B.
Everything was excellent! This is my first divorce and had no idea what I needed to do. North Dakota online divorce was a lot of help and super easy! I would definitely recommend to anyone!
Review stars
Michael M.
Service was great easy to use
Review stars
Brianna M.
North Dakota online divorce service is extremely easy to use and it was quick to get my case submitted.
Review stars
Melissa B.
The process was very simple to understand. Basically just follow the instructions and print your forms! I would recommend to my friends!
Review stars
Jennifer C.
I recently used this website to file my divorce and it was excellent. The county clerk were i filed complimented me on the forms. She told me many times she has had issues with people using online services. The service was quick, easy to use and follow and cost effective. I highly recommend this website if you are filing for div
Review stars
Kalli L.
Super easy to enter the information that is needed to get the ball rolling.
Review stars
chris G.
Service was fast and easy to use and understand
Review stars